Red Day Celebration
Event Start Date : 26/04/2024 Event End Date 26/04/2024
Aim of the activity :- The Red Day celebration was a wonderful learning activity which helped children to sort and classify objects based on colours thereby reinforcing cognitive skills
Celebration :- The 'Red Day' celebration was a wonderful learning activity which helped children to sort and classify objects based on colours there by reinforcing cognitive skills. It was a scintillating day with innocent faces gleaming and reflecting brightness, joy, love and happiness. To mark this day students & Teachers of classes Nursery and LKG were dressed in red clothes. Classes were decorated in red colour.
Students spoke a few lines on the red object they brought from home. Bulletien boards displayed red craft work made by the children. The tiny tots looked stunning in their red outfits.
It was a scintillating day with innocent faces gleaming and reflecting brightness, joy, love and happiness.